Flashcard Rust: First steps

Rust is one of the coolest systems programming lanugage on the block, let’s dip our feet in it.


Hopefully, you are using Linux. To install Rust, use:

> curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh

Rustup is a tool that is used to install Rust, the above script downloads and installs rustup first and then installs Rust.


Let’s create a directory to keep our source files:

> mkdir ~/rust_sources
> cd ~/rust_sources

Our first program, to say ahoy!

> mkdir ahoy; cd ahoy
> touch main.rs

Open main.rs and add the following line:

fn main() {
    println!("ahoy ahoy!");  

Save the file and run rustc main.rs, thats it! We have compiled our first rust program.

There should be a file named main in the same directory main.rs is in, execute it using:

ahoy ahoy!

Now that you have written 2 lines of rust, do read

The end
